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(Gr. Agreement C5-325444)

Financing Programme: ERASMUS for Young Entrepreneurs


Implementation Period: 01.02.2013-01.02.2015


Total Budget:  EUR 206 294,99 


Project Description:

The key objectives of the GYMNASIUM V project are:

- to support new entrepreneurs (NEs) in the start-up phase by providing them with specific and high-quality information;

- to improve and consolidate the business communities created within the past EYE Projects;

- to enhance market access and international business cooperation;

- to become a point of reference for other organisations participating in EYE Programme;

- to give a concrete opportunity to the entrepreneurs wishing to internationalize;

- to continue and further develop the experience gained through the past editions;

- to continue with the successful thread of the GYMNASIUM experience, involving organisations such as Universities, Municipalities, science and research centers, incubators, crafting associations, etc.;

- to support female entrepreneurship;

- to enhance inter-cultural learning by reducing the gap due to geographical and linguistic barriers among EU entrepreneurs.


Countries Included: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Italy and Hungary


Role of BEF: Partner organisation

Bulgaria Economic Forum


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