Smart Rural Entrepreneurship (BMP1/1.1/2612/2017)
Financing Programme: INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020
Implementation Period: 1.12.2017 – 31.05.2021
Total Budget: EUR 746 428,45
Project Description: The project's main goal is to create transnational cooperation for enhancing entrepreneurship in rural areas of the Balkan countries through the SmartRural model specialisation based on the principles of innovation, sustainable economic growth & increase of well-being. The project seeks to achieve these objectives by providing entrepreneurs with technical, financial and advisory support. Parallel, it provides technical assistance to the rural public authorities for their managing and administrative routine and procedures to apply and implement a business welcome policy based on the principles of smart specialisation.
Countries Included: 7 organisations from 4 countries - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, North Macedonia.
Role of BEF: Partner organisation