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BEF's first contribution to the SpinIT

During the first months of the SpinIt project, the Bulgaria Economic Forum, as a territorial partner, developed two documents according to a predetermined structure and content. These documents are part of the project's first specific objective: Transnational cooperation for enhancing entrepreneurship, skills and capacity building related to S3.

As a part of implementing Activity 1.2 - Experience Sharing and Benchmarking Initiative, the first report was a Best Practice Report from Bulgaria. Together with the reports of the other territorial partners in the project, a catalogue of systematically structured good practices within certain clusters, such as S3, Industry 4.0 and ICT, will be developed. This will enable partners to easily identify, adopt and adapt relevant practices within their own context.

Closer collaboration and knowledge sharing are expected to drive future initiatives.

Among the shared good practices from Bulgaria are:

• Digital Blue economy and innovation Acceleration Network (DBAN);

• Development of the electronic administrative service (e-Government)

• Adaptation of strategies for corporate social responsibility to address the implications of Industry 4.0

The second document is an operational analysis of digitalisation, Industry 4.0, IT and infrastructure, and Bulgaria's stakeholders' capacity. It is in the implementation of Activity 1.1 Digitalization Assessment and Alignment and includes:

•      a comprehensive overview of Bulgaria's strategic objectives about the ecosystem for smart specialization and digital innovation in the context of the Danube region;

•      assessment of the existing governance framework and decision-making processes in Bulgaria regarding smart specialisation and digital innovation management;

•      evaluation of the policy instruments for smart specialisation and digital innovations in Bulgaria;

•      territorial analysis to assess the state of smart specialisation and digital innovations in Bulgaria;

•      identification of stakeholders.

The territorial partner organisations' operational analyses will help evaluate and improve the development of the IT sector, Industry 4.0 practices, and IT cross-sectoral cooperation in the Danube region.

The SpinIt project is implemented within the Interreg Danube Region Programme 2021-2027 and is co-financed by the EU.

10 April 2024


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